"Balcony" acrylic on canvas 27" x 31"
Justin Terlecki
Name: Justin Terlecki
City/State: St. Paul, MN
Email: justinterlecki@hotmail.com
Website: http://www. grovelandgallery.com/ artistdetail.php?aID=TerJ
MNartist.org profile: http: // MNartists.org/Terlecki
Facebook page: http: //facebook.com/justin.terleckiCity/State: St. Paul, MN
Email: justinterlecki@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.
MNartist.org profile: http: // MNartists.org/Terlecki
I studied painting and printmaking at Youngstown State University, located in Northeast Ohio, and completed my BFA in 1997. Since 1998, I have been living in the Twin Cities.
My home and studio space is in the Frogtown neighborhood of St. Paul. I also work at Wet Paint art supply store on Grand Avenue.
Tell me about your work? What are you currently working on? How is this different from past projects?
I work mainly from personal experiences and memory. Using these experiences as inspiration, I create detailed narratives. I am intrigued by how our thought process and time alters our memories. During the past five years, travel has also played an important role in my work. In 2010, I created a series of prints, inspired by recent travels to India and Spain. This work was funded by the Jerome Fellowship for Emerging Printmakers through Highpoint Center for Printmaking. In my paintings and prints, I strive to portray the subtle nuances of communication, human relationships, and connection. Currently, I am focused on childhood memories and the concept of loss.
"Lake Erie" acrylic on canvas 33"x42"
"What is Art?" is certainly too big of a question to ask here, but what do you hope your audience takes away from your art? What statement do you hope to make?
Art is an expression of existence. What it delivers to the viewer is an opportunity to view their own world in a new, unique way. Art, whether it be film, dance, or visual, provides an escape from daily life. In my own work, I really enjoy individual interpretations. Personally, I don't feel it necessary for the viewer to understand my intentions for creating a specific piece. My only goal is to create work that engages and connects with the viewer. I love the process of painting and creating and to share my energy with the viewer is very satisfying.
What was the best advice given to you as an artist?
I think the best advice is that you need to work hard. An art professor of mine once told me that if you work long enough, eventually people will pay attention.
"Cathedral of Seville, Corpus Christi" lithography & screenprint 28" x 33"
Tell me about your work space and your creative process.
I live in an artists' cooperative in St. Paul. The benefit of this is that the spaces are large enough to have a painting studio. My painting studio is actually in my bedroom. My easel is always set up, as well as my paints and drawing supplies. Before I begin a piece, I usually do preliminary sketches to lay out the composition. I always have the idea first before starting a work, and never approach the canvas blindly. The excitement is the process and the problem solving along the way. The goal is to unify the piece and there are always surprises and difficulties. I think the challenges of creating, and the intense focus during the process is what keeps me going.
Who are some of the Minnesota artists you enjoy?
Eleanor McGough http://www.mnartists. org/artistHome.do?rid=96594
Carolyn Swiszcz http://www.carolynswiszcz.com/
Rod Massey http://www.rodmassey.com/ index.html
James Boyd Brent http://www.jamesboydbrent. com/?page_id=22
Barbara Kreft http://www.circagallery.org/ html/kreft_barbara_1.html
Gregory Graham http://gregorygrahamart.com/ gregorygrahamart.com/Home.html
If I were to follow you around to see art in Minnesota, which places would we go? What would we see?
Highpoint Center for Printmaking http://www. highpointprintmaking.org/home/
Minneapolis Institute of the Arts http://www.artsmia.org/
Walker Art Center http://www.walkerart.org/
Groveland Gallery http://www.grovelandgallery. com/
The Museum of Russian Art http://tmora.org/
"101810 Lake Erie" watercolor 18" x 24"
Where do you go online for good art resources, whether to find a new artist, or to see what is going on in the art world locally and otherwise?
Mnartists.org http://www.mnartists.org/ home.do
Local Artists Interviews http://www.local-artist- interviews.com/
Art 21 http://www.pbs.org/art21/
Res Artis http://www.resartis.org/en/
"Biking in the Rain, S.C." acrylic on canvas 32" x 34"
What can we expect to see from you in the future?
Currently, I am in a group show entitled "New Year, New Artists" at Groveland Gallery in Minneapolis. This show, featuring four new paintings, runs until February 25th, 2012.
Currently, I am in a group show entitled "New Year, New Artists" at Groveland Gallery in Minneapolis. This show, featuring four new paintings, runs until February 25th, 2012.
I am also working on book illustrations for "The Book of Bartholomew" by Mark Granlund and in March, I will also be hosting a demonstration on creating Pysanky, traditional Ukrainian Easter Egg dyeing. This event is open to the public and will be held at Wet Paint art supply store.
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