Colony II
Kim Matthews
Name:Kim MatthewsCity/State:Minneapolis, MN
MNartist.org profile: (id #28872)
Facebook page: (Optional) kim matthews
Bio~ Born, Anchorage, Alaska, 1965. Grew up in Belfast and Hampden, Maine, attended University of Maine at Orono before moving to Minneapolis in 1984.
Tell me about your work? What are you currently working on? How is this different from past projects?
I’m a mixed-media sculptor of the monochromatic, postminimalist variety: that is, I’m concerned with process, materials, serial forms, and an idiosyncratic, handmade geometry. In terms of content, I’m interested in consciousness. I’ve been a daily meditator for the past twelve years, and this work documents the process of awakening—on a subtle level, anyway.
I’m currently working on a Jerome Fiber Art Project Grant, which involves learning how to cast paper. I haven’t worked with multiples in this way since I was a printmaking student at the University of Minnesota. The show in September (at the Textile Center) will be a combination of composite forms and single-element reliefs, which will be editioned.

Although my work has a lot of rhythm and suggests vital forces, it’s ultimately about silence.
What was the best advice given to you as an artist?
“You’ll make it.”
Tell me about your work space and your creative process.
I work in several places depending on what I’m doing. I process pulp at MCBA. I make molds in my basement.
Re: process, I do a lot of reading: art theory and history, artists’ biographies, science or Eastern philosophy sometimes. I keep composition books next to my bed and sometimes I wake up abruptly from sleep or suddenly have a thought while meditating, and it will produce little ideas which may or may not become something. Sometimes I have a fairly formed idea of what I want to do and other times it starts with materials or making models. One of my goals for the Jerome project is to learn to be more willing to experiment.

Relief VI
I know I’m going to leave someone out! But:
Tina Blondell is an extremely skilled and hardworking painter and a friend. She got me my first solo exhibition. (http://www.tinablondell.com www.tinablondell.com);
John Rummelhoff is the most prolific artist I’ve ever known, and his drafting skills will make you weep (http://www.johnrummelhoff.com);
Lisa Nankivil’s work is great for its materiality and stripey goodness (www.nankivil.com);
Kyle Fokken’s work is so smart—well-thought-out and beautifully made. (www.kylefokken.com);
I also really admire Karen Searle (www.karensearle.com) and Erica Spitzer Rasmussen (http://www.ericaspitzerrasmussen.com ) They’re both using traditional craft media and techniques and dealing with women’s issues but they’re not “identity artists”--nor does the strength of craft come at the cost of content.
None of these people have much in common except one very important thing: dedication to technical and conceptual excellence. In my world, that’s nonnegotiable. Karen, Tina & I are in a traveling show next year curated by John Schuerman called Lace & Gunpowder along with Lynn Speaker, Nick Harper, David Aschenbrener and Ron Taylor, and we’re all looking forward to it. The show is subtitled “the Male-Female exhibit" because we’re paired up as a way to ask questions about the relationship of gender to artmaking.

Uh, probably nowhere unless you got me on just the right day! I’m horribly introverted and trying to get out more but it usually takes a special event like a lecture at the U of M or MCAD or an opening at the MIA or MCBA. I tend to be more “institutional” than a gallery scenester.
Where do you go online for good art resources, whether to find a new artist, or to see what is going on in the art world locally and otherwise?
Jerry Saltz in the New Yorker
http://www.minusspace.com (for those of you who like reductive art)
and of course, Facebook!
What can we expect to see from you in the future?
I think I covered that already: there’s the Jerome show in September and the two scheduled Lace & Gunpowder shows early next year. And more, I hope! Hope I’m not too busy to submit for the State Fair. It’s one of the best venues we have in terms of sheer exposure.
Jerry Saltz in the New Yorker
http://www.minusspace.com (for those of you who like reductive art)
and of course, Facebook!

I think I covered that already: there’s the Jerome show in September and the two scheduled Lace & Gunpowder shows early next year. And more, I hope! Hope I’m not too busy to submit for the State Fair. It’s one of the best venues we have in terms of sheer exposure.
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