Thursday, August 30, 2012

What Was the Best Advice Given to You as an Artist? #5

"What was the best advice given to you as an artist?"

All of the responses are taken from the 100+ interviews archived on

"What was the best advice given to you as an artist?"

My mentor Frank Agar advised me to exhibit as much as possible. Keep a passion for sharing and communicating your art to the public. Even if they are not ready for it, and reject it.
Margaret Gamache

“There are 24 hours in a day. Make it work.”
J.M. Culver

To follow my heart and do what I feel most passionate about, even if it’s unconventional. To not worry about what others might think. To feel confident in anything I create.
Mia Malone Jennings

Taking a chance and having it end in disaster is always better than playing it safe…which is fairly easy advice to follow especially since not taking chances with your work can also end in disaster.
Alison Hiltner

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