Sunday, May 13, 2012

Craig Bell - Painter

Chandler Blvd - 12 x 16" oil on canvas
Craig Bell
Name: Craig Bell
City/State: St. Paul, MN
Email: profile:
Facebook page:!/profile.php?id=100002254865863

Tell me about your work? What are you currently working on? How is this different from past projects?
I work in oils on canvas and panel. Until a few months ago, my paintings were of quite identifiable subjects. A voyueristic view of the urban landscape has long been a favorite theme of mine to follow. My latest is a series of nocturnal L.A. street scapes, which has allowed me to mix "bad" photorealism with a relaxed form of abstraction. 

This year has been a time of transition for me, kind of like jumping off a cliff - exhilarating and frightening at once. Everything that I have painted since January has been primarily abstraction. I am enjoying myself and liking the new pieces. I think this is a direction I will follow, it feels so natural.

Auto Repair - 12 x 16" oil on canvas

"What is Art?" is certainly too big of a question to ask here, but what do you hope your audience takes away from your art? What statement do you hope to make?

An audience is a fickle bunch. It goes back to the saying, "You can't please everyone all the time." It is a bit of a paradox, that we as artists do this for ourselves, yet we need some sense of appreciation. I do enjoy what I do and hope it shows in my work. If there were to be a statement, I think it is the work itself. I strive to be original, whatever that means. While I work on a canvas, I know it will likely outlast me by many years. This is what I'll be remembered for, and it should shine because in essence, it is me.

Starship - 24 x 30" oil on canvas

What was the best advice given to you as an artist?
With a good audience, an artist's ego may grow.

Tell me about your work space and your creative process.

My creative process beings and ends in the studio (Northrup King #369). When I'm there, I control that space, that environment, the lighting, and music - always need to have music. Get on that canvas and see what happens. Let the unknown be the guide.

Northrup King Building #369

Who are some of the Minnesota artists you enjoy?
Many others, but here are a few of the people I am most influenced by, for many reasons:

Hard Landing - 30 x 40" oil on canvas

If I were to follow you around to see art in Minnesota, which places would we go? What would we see?
A large part of my day would be at the Northrup King Building. I get to visit with friends and artists almost every day. I enjoy the Walker, MIA and The Groveland.

Encroachment - 12 x 12" oil on panel

Where do you go online for good art resources, whether to find a new artist, or to see what is going on in the art world locally and otherwise?

Do you have any exhibits to promote in the near future?
Currently, I am working on new abstracts that will be showing in my studio during Art A Whirl, May 18, 19, 20, 2012 Northrup King Building, Sudio 369

Craig Bell

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